Calendar Details
Scroll down to see specific details about what is going on at our church!
This weekend
Adult Sunday School: 9am with missionary Junior Taylor
Worship Service: 10am—Junior Taylor sharing his ministry
Small groups: 6pm—meet at the Matthew home (34 St. Marks Bay, Faribault). Studying through Relationships: A Mess Worth Making, by Tim Lane and Paul Tripp
Coming up
Easter Egg Neighborhood Invitations will be delivered, Sun., March 31 following the morning service.
Table Talk on anger will be April 7 during the all church carry-in dinner. Details to come but plan now to … join the conversation.
Easter Egg Hunt is Saturday, April 13 at 1:00 p.m., ages 3 yrs– 6th grade. Helpers are needed, sign-up sheets are at the Welcome Center. Candy donations are encouraged and welcomed. Please remember that all candy must be individually wrapped and fit inside an egg. Place any candy donations in the Deacons Trunk in the Foyer and mark “Egg Hunt”.
Easter Egg Neighborhood Invitations will be delivered, Sun., March 31 following the morning service.
Easter Services—Sunday, April 21: Early Service 8:00 a.m. — Breakfast 8:45 a.m. — Morning Service
Easter Lily Memorials: If you would like to donate an Easter Lily in memory of a loved one, please place your $15 in the offering plate with your name and the name of your loved one.
Sunday School: Pam S. and Vicky T.
Morning Service: Janet D. and Gracia W.
Ministry opportunities
The Nursery is in need of faithful workers to serve on a rotating schedule. See Pam S. for details or questions.
March’s Resource Guide: Uprooting Anger: Biblical Help for a Common Problem, By Robert D. Jones
For your info
Stop by the bulletin board in the Foyer for several updates on:
Notes of Gratitude
Missionary Updates
2019 Church Calendar (including missionary guest speakers)
Other news
Ladies of the Southern Minnesota Regular Baptist Women’s Fellowship Spring Rally is being planned for Saturday, April 13 beginning at 9:30 a.m. This year’s theme is Cancer Awareness: Heroes of the faith, and will be hosted at Calvary Baptist Church, Rochester. Additional details on the bulletin board in the Foyer and a sign-up sheet is at the Welcome Center.
food shelf
The Food Pantry is in need of plastic grocery bags
Food Shelf Need: White Sugar
(Please place these donations in the Deacons Trunk located in the Foyer.)
March 31: 2019 Counselor Applications
May 28: 2019 Teen Staff Applications
July 1: Camper Grant Application
May 17-18 Work Weekend
May 27 Memorial Day Rally: Registration details, deadlines, and discounts are posted on the bulletin board in the Foyer.
Family Camp : June 24-29 Speaker:
Junior Camp : July 8-13 Speaker:
Jr High Camp : July 15-20 Speaker:
Sr High Camp : July 22-27 Speaker:
Primary Camp : July 29-31
Ladies Retreat : August 23-24
Men’s Retreat : September 6-7
Scholarships are available. Contact the church office for details.