Our Response
A note from out pastor:
First Baptist Family and Friends,
We are super excited to have opened our doors on Sunday morning, June 14th! Our pastor and deacons have worked hard on a COVID-19 preparedness plan to outline what things will look like in our worship services. For those of you who've been wondering what changes will be made as we resume and how we will navigate this difficult time, we've tried to outline that clearly for you.
Below you will find our entire COVID-19 Preparedness Plan. This describes what we are doing to keep our building a safe place for worship and what we expect of those who choose to come to worship. Please take time to read this thoroughly, and also refer to the info graphic “Check Four At The Door” visualizing the basic practices that everyone should do before coming to church. Below are some highlights for what you can expect as we return to church:
Service will begin at 10 am.
Social distancing—Do sit with your family, but we ask that family units spread out across the auditorium for as long as social distancning remains necessary
Congregational singing—music will be led by a small musical group spread out across the platform, and worshipers will be encouraged join in song
Masks—masks are required for worship per the governor’s executive order and for as long as that remains in effect. Worshipers should bring their own; a limited number will be available at the welcome center.
We will have hand sanitizer stations scattered throughout the lobby for you to use; please use them!
We will not be collecting an offering during the service. We will have an offering box in the lobby for you to give.
As we look forward to continuing our worship, let me encourage you to be in prayer. Take time to pray for our church! We need God's strength and guidance as we navigate a new and changing time. Pray that we would be one in unity as we come back together, and that God would work in our lives to make us more like Him. God bless!